Campania's newest scratch resistant finish offered on these lightweight planters is a notch up on the scale for durability and finish preservation. Despite the heavy looks of the finish they have maintained the lightweight characteristics and simple design profiles.
Scratch Resistant Fiberglass
Produced by a Patented Process
Durable, Non Flammable and Eco Friendly
Frost Resistant
U.V Resistant
Planting Drainage Hole in Base
1. 34.50" w x 40.50" h - 48lbs - 22 cu ft. soil
2. 26.75" w x 31.50" h - 26lbs - 10 cu ft. soil
3. 20.50" w x 24.00" h - 14lbs - 4.5 cu ft. soil
4. 15.75" w x 18.50" h - 09lbs - 2.0 cu ft. soil
5. 11.00" w x 13.00" h - 05lbs - 1.0 cu ft. soil